
MU needle exit to the crisis

Sir Alex Ferguson has confirmed news about the return of a series of logistic ticket Manchester United, helping them overcome pet crisis last week through a lot.

Rio Ferdinand, Rafael Da Silva and Wes Brown is the third player has returned to normal practice. However, Sir Alex will deliberate use hậu protection in this game tonight. Instead, he will for doctors to monitor within 2 weeks to make the appropriate adjustments.

Rio Ferdinand continuously stick injury in time
A month ago, he has gotten fish eye injury

Step of the most important of the three bridges is Ferdinand, after he had almost entirely to the injury to face England in the game - Ukraine early this month. Although not named in the game with Sunderland, but HLV Ferguson believes he will return to the game's vital MU at the turn of the Champions League, Porto as guests on this week between.

Logistics scene painter Rafael must also stay in play from 1 / 2009 because of injuries in the eye. He just back training with the team, while Brown will re-export the week to 2 months after nursing trade (foot injury).

"Rafael has begun training beginning this week. He needs to get feeling back in, but I believe that Rafael is ready to rush to week. Similar case also took place with Brown. This is the information is recorded with the MU. "for Sir Alex.

Sir Alex Ferguson happy with the return of the perfect

With the central location Jonny Evans absent in as guests on the course by re-lighting of every injury, Sir Alex can secure any protection when the consequences of his or her presence can contribute again.

In a different dynamics, Sir Alex is not criticizing the way the business of the Glazer - who holds the executive club - when they MU debt to the amount of up to 650 million table. This debt is huge, accounting for more than half the total assets of MU.

"We always support them. The Malcolm Glazer Ganh debts so large is very normal. Most of the Club president is having similar problems when buying the team."